The Opportunity
Cabool R-IV is a rural school district in southern Missouri about 75 miles east of Springfield, Missouri. The district has one high school, one middle school, and one elementary school. The district has done a good job maintaining the facility over the years, but time has not been kind. Like many school districts in Missouri, Cabool R-IV is faced with the challenge of aging facilities.
Of primary concern were the old windows at the high school, which were a large source of outside air infiltration. This made it harder to heat the school during cold months and cool the school during those hot days at the beginning and end of the school year. The heating and air conditioning system at the high school was 15-20 years old and reaching the end of its operating life. This meant that this equipment had an even harder time dealing with the problems caused by the old windows. To add to this school’s problems, the gymnasium roof leaked during inclement weather.
Along with dealing with the issues at the high school, Cabool R-IV wanted to find ways to become more efficient with their operating funds as well as their energy consumption.
The Technical Solution
Navitas worked with the district to help them decide which solution made the most sense for their facilities, their students and staff, their community, and their budget. Our first priority was to deal with the issues at the high school. We replaced or renovated the windows and reconditioned the roof to stop the air infiltration into the building. We also upgraded the heating and air conditioning system to make a more comfortable learning environment for students, teachers, and staff.
In addition to this work, we also made improvements in the other buildings in the district. We upgraded the lighting and heating/cooling systems in the middle school, elementary school, and the bus barn as well as the high school. We also improved the weatherization in these other buildings to reduce outside air infiltration. We installed a district-wide building automation system that will make it easier for the district’s maintenance staff to monitor equipment and deal with issues in a timely manner.
The Financial Solution
As a result of this energy conservation project, the district was able to take care of their most pressing and costly capital needs. They will save more than $1,700,000 over 15-year term of the contract and this, along with a community supported tax levy, will pay for the entire project.