Navitas is pleased to announce that we are working with Wynot Public School District to help them improve their facilities and create a better learning environment for their students.
Wynot is a rural school district in northeast Nebraska. The school district has one building that houses their elementary, middle, and high school. The district has done a good job maintaining and updating their facility. The next part of their facility plan is to update the original portions of the building (built in 1912 and 1922). The district administration and school board wanted to make sure that they were using their resources effectively to fund the updates for this portion of the building.
One of the largest challenges associated with the building update was the need to modernize the HVAC and electrical systems. This portion of the building was being heated by steam radiators (some of which were original to the building) and cooled by window air-conditioners. This portion of the building did not have mechanical ventilation to the spaces. So, the school district chose to partner with Navitas to develop a modern, energy efficient system that would provide properly ventilated and comfortable spaces for the students and staff.
Navitas worked with the district to find the best system to meet these needs and find other energy savings opportunities to help fund these improvements. We also helped the district apply and receive a low interest (1.00%) loan from their local bank, which was subsidized by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy. Since the school district was able to fund the HVAC and other improvements with this approach, they could use their existing resources to speed up the timeline for making other improvements, including the conversion of their administration area into a pre-school facility.
The Wynot School District used an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) as a means to more effectively meet their holistic facility plans. This allowed them to be good stewards of their resources and help to provide additional services to their students and community.
Navitas is thankful to be working with such a great district and great people.