Navitas would like to thank all the people who are working so hard to keep us safe and to keep our economy moving. From the doctors, nurses, and hospital janitorial staff who are on the front line helping to combat the disease, to the grocery clerks and delivery drivers who are bringing the rest of us the things we need. All of you are heroes. We could not survive this pandemic without you. Thank you for all you do!
At Navitas, we know that we are among the lucky ones. Our business is considered essential and so our employees have not been laid off or furloughed. Because of this, many of our employees are joining the effort to “help the helpers” who are on the front lines. From sewing masks for FedEx delivery drivers, making face shield PPEs for hospitals, or sending food nurses caring for critical patients, our crew is working to give back to our community.
Chris Durr, Navitas Project Manager, and Gregg Gehrig, Navitas Energy Manager, bought box lunches for the KU Medical Center nurses on the 2nd floor Bell Pre/Post.
Koby Kampschroeder, Navitas Director of Business Development, provided pizza from Waldo Pizza for lunch to the ER employees at the Kansas City VA Hospital
Mary Robertson, Navitas Senior Marketing Coordinator, is making PPE face shields for local hospitals.